Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kaden's Big Break!

The Mangin family has now made our first ER trip and experienced our first broken bone. Poor Kaden broke his right wrist on Monday night. We were outside playing tag on the very rough ground and he tripped and fell into a big rock and caught himself (thankfully) with his hands. I won't mention that this mommy was perhaps chasing him at the time of the incident. I definitely felt awful, but was kindly reminded that "Good moms play tag" by a friend, so that made me feel a little better, although I might add, "Good moms play tag on level ground" :)
He's doing okay now and got through his first day at school and finally understands why Kenzie is super jealous of the cast... it makes you a rockstar a school for a little bit! She actually told us, she was going to go outside and trip just like Kaden did! :) She kills me.
Cast or no cast, he's a sweet boy and I love him broken Radius and all. ;)
Matt Campione came over to bring Kaden a treat and balloon to help him feel better and got to be the first signature. Kade still hasn't let me sign!
This was the face he had before Jackson Mott arrived and assured Kaden it was "Super Cool" :)
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