Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My "Pink" Eyed Girl!

I know, I know... who takes pictures of their sick kids- I do! I told her to give me her sad, sick face and wow she really can act! Kenzie is feeling perfectly fine, but she's still contagious. We played "school" all day (I could never homeschool!) including math, language arts, creative writing, home economics (we made bread), snack, and rest time (I needed a nap more than she did!). Because she only started meds this afternoon she will be home the rest of the week, so Mommy's school will continue!

Her poor little eyes are so red. She says they don't hurt at all- hopefully it will stay that way through the night. :)

I must mention though that I have the most dramatic daughter EVER! She has to have drops 4x per day and it took me and Eric to hold her down while she screamed and flailed the entire time. I have no idea how I am going to get them in her eyes by myself tomorrow... seriously! So if you have any tips, bring 'em on!
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1 comment:

Staci Landis said...

YIKES!!! Poor little girl!