Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kaden is always good for a smile for me. Check out all the signatures on the cast!
"Hey Mama (as she calls me lately- not sure why, and actually it makes me feel like something out of little house on the prairie) wanna hear a secret??"
Those big eyes may be adorable, but don't take your eyes off of her for one second!
This is my life... Attempts at taking a picture of 4 kids...
Kenzie thinks it's funny to give a freaky smile face, Kaden is smiling nicely, Kira- well who knows what was so exciting up in the sky, and Cal might be about to fall off the rock wall...
Kenz- same freaky face, Now Kaden's still holding the smile, but thinks his sister is funny, Kira hmm Kira looks like she's up to something, and Cal, well, he didn't fall, but no smile either...
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