Sunday, April 04, 2010

1313 Oak Tree Drive- FOR SALE!

Well, it's official... our house is on the market. This week was beyond insane... We decided Saturday night that we were going to list it and it had to be ready by Thursday before we left for vacation. We had SO MUCH to do! We painted every inch of trim and moulding in the house, we painted the master bath, the kitchen, the powder room ceiling, touched up and spackled every scratch and dent (of which there were about a million), edged all the flowerbeds, planted spring flowers, cleaned, and packed about 50% of our stuff over the course of 4 days. We were exhausted! :) Thanks to Eric and his "Mangin to the Max" hard work- the house looks great!
So if you know anyone that's interested send em our way. We'd really like to have it sold by this Friday before we get home! lol ;)
Here she is- 1313 Oak Tree Drive
Oh here's the new moulding and stripe in the piano room... Thanks to Aaron for installing it for me!
and the family room, we didn't change anything in this room, although if we don't sell, I'm getting new curtains and accent pillows. Yuck! Those old ones are gross! :)
For those wondering where we're moving to... There is only one home we're going after. It's a bank-owned, unfinished new construction. It is AWESOME and honestly my dream house. We're putting our first offer into the bank on Monday. If that house doesn't work out, then we're just staying put because we LOVE our neighborhood. We'd just wait a few more years and then start looking again.
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1 comment:

Becca said...

woah! i just checked on your blog for the first time since we've decided to move in feb. and things have been con't crazy! can't wait to catch up and hear what you crazy mangins are up to!