Monday, May 25, 2009

J&K Plus 8

Just watched the season premier and I'm so disappointed. :(
I know there are tons of "haters" out there, but I really love this show and family and I'm bummed about the whole ordeal.


adrienne said...

Girl, I feel sick about it. I am so sad for them, mad at them, sad for the kids...ugh! Just quit the show and fix your marriage!

Sheryl Creeden said...

That show broke my heart. I couldn't even enjoy their b-day party with them. I totally agree. . .they need to stop doing the show and work on their marriage. It was a good reminder to make sure I'm putting my marriage before my daughter and all the other stuff I do.

Laurie said...

SOOOOOO upset....I feel like I really know them.. I can't stop talking to Jordan about it!

Staci Landis said...

I agree. I was so sad. :-( She just doesn't see it. I think he does...but he feels powerless to do anything about it because Kate is in her glory. I got kind of confused by her explanation of how much she loves her kids and the whole mommy guilt thing. And she seems to keep saying everything she does, she does for her kids...over and over again. But, what about her marriage and husband? She wouldn't have her kids if she didn't have Jon. And when she kept saying how exhausting it all was doing it alone for the birthday? Well, if they divorce, it's going to be a whole heck of a lot harder and more exhaustion. Single parents don't have it easy!
It definitely made for some good conversation for Tim & I to commit to our priorities of our family & each other (even though our lives are not as public and hollywood-ish) it still is good to learn from other people's mistakes and hopefully never make the same ones. Even in our everyday lives...people can put many, many things before what is most important and spend the rest of their lives blaming the other or everything else for the consequences of poor choices. Sometimes just really looking in the mirror at oneself is enough to see the problem. I wish Kate would do that. They just seemed so very, very sad. :-(

Becky said...

I DVRed it, but haven't watched..but I have heard of their recent problems. Love your new photos on your blog! You're so creative! Great job!