Friday, October 12, 2007

Growing Bigger

Here are a few pictures of Kira from the end of Sept. She is really filling out and beginning to look so much like the others did when they were babies.

She's still a peanut

She actually looks chubby in this picture! Kenzie wore this little polo shirt when she was a baby and I loved it then too. We always were asked if Kenz was a boy when she wore it. For Kira, she has so much hair that I can just pop a bow in and then there's no question that she's a girl.
Kira having some fun crib time looking at the silly animals.
I think the pacifier is as big as her head! I was hoping she would NOT like this brand, but it's what they gave her in the hopital and it's her favorite. I think it's hideous, but it does the trick!
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1 comment:

Staci Landis said...

I think you'll have the pink one like this too...Makenzie had the same one in pink! She's so cute! What a little miracle blessing! Kira...I'm going to come eat you up...well at least when I get rid of this cold!!!!