Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Spring Masterpieces!

This morning we made some new artwork for the frames leading down to the basement. We needed some spring inspired art :) It's my goal to change out the art for at least 3 seasons a year (spring and summer kind of can be combined.) I want to be sure that it's always some sort of art that involves their hand prints, fingerprints, or footprints. I'd like to have them all saved and eventually scan them into a book in a few years. So anyhow... here's our spring/summer masterpieces!

Callen was NOT happy about me making him open his hands. He's still in the clenched fist phase. I got 2 done... 2 out of 3 isn't that bad.
Kaden's... we used fingers for the sun rays, hand prints for the spider's legs, fingertips for the Caterpillar, and thumbs for the green beetles. He loved making the spider angry!
Kenzie's... we used all the same fingers and hands, but she was really creative with her marker embellishment. Nice work!
Kira's... A fish bowl with finger print fish, some finger painted yellow sand, fingerprint bubbles, and a hand print jellyfish. She had a lot of fun with this!
You can pay millions for fine art, but I think these ones are priceless!
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