Monday, July 28, 2008

The Grand Finale has an Encore!

Well if you couldn't guess from the photos above... We have recently announced that Little Mangin #4 will be arriving this winter. The only response photos we're missing were ours, but I'm not so sure they would be fitting for the blog. :-) Needless to say we were shocked beyond all measure... I have given away all maternity clothes. All infant stuff. Anything even remotely associated with babies. We thought we had firmly closed that chapter, but apparently God had one more funny little joke up his sleeve. While we are still processing this (well mainly me- Eric's really excited) we really know and believe that this little one will fit wonderfully and just make our family that much more complete. So surprise and here are some details...

What?- Baby # 4

When?- Due date of Feb 22, which most likely means early Feb. for us.

How many?- Only 1. Thank heavens!

Status so far?- Sick, sick sick... can't wait for weeks 16-20ish. Currently we're at 11.

Total # of Mangins?- 6! Yikes!


Laurie said...

WOW!!!! Congrats! That's so exciting!!!! (I know and probably stressful too!)

Heather said...

I knew it!!!!! Those pictures just gave it away!!!!! Hooooorrraaayyyyy!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys. I'll pass on my baby clothes to you if it's a girl!!!
xoxoxo Congratulations!!!!!!!!! (You little booger, you should have told us on Sunday)

C Leebrick said...

wow congratulations mon!

adrienne said...

Oh my goodness...congrats Monica! So happy to hear the good news:) Great way to capture the shocking moments!

Shauna and Ben said...

WOW! Ryan and Sarah told me I should read your blog since I have been out of my normal blog reading routine... what a great collection of pictures! I loved seeing everyone's reaction! all need to slow down if we are ever going to catch up. Actually I give up, you guys win! Congratulations!!!! Love you guys..all 6 of you!